Travelex Currency Converter

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The rates shown below are for exchanging NZD to foreign currency ONLY.
Should you need to exchange foreign currency to NZD , please see instructions here.


[fromExchangeAmount] New Zealand Dollar = [toExchangeAmount] [toCurrencyName]

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Exchange rates last updated Wednesday, 23 October 2024 4:43:28 AM NZDT. The online exchange rates provided by this Currency Converter are intended as a guide only and should not be used for transactional purposes. All rates are subject to change from time to time without notice. Exchange rates used in-store may differ from those offered online. The Travelex online buy rate will be used for conversions from a foreign currency to the local currency. The Travelex online sell rate will be used for conversions from the local currency to a foreign currency.

Travelex Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: Last month

Travelex Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 3 months

Travelex Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 6 months

Travelex Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 12 months

[ToCurrencyIso] per [FromCurrencyIso] Better Rates to buy [ToCurrencyIso] >
The rates history is not available for this currency

How to see Travelex historical rates
If you would like to see Travelex historical rates, please select one of the currencies

Convert the Latest Exchange Rates

Use our currency converter tool to check our daily online exchange rates across nearly 50 currencies. We’ll also show you the rate history to see if it’s a good time to buy. In-store rates vary compared to online.

Our online tool converts NZD to currencies at live rates. By calculating the currency conversion, you can lock in a favourable exchange rate and prepare for your travels.

Note: These exchange rates are on foreign cash. For rates on the Travelex Money Card click here.

Money Converter for International Currency Conversion

At Travelex, we provide competitive foreign exchange rates for travellers from all over the world to enjoy. Our exchange rate calculator makes converting your currency a simple task.

Quick and easy to use, simply select the currency you would like to convert to and view our live rates.

Our money converter not only allows you to view our historical rates, but you can also keep track of present exchange rates using our Travel Rate Tracker.

Travelex Rate Tracker

Travelex Rate Tracker

Looking for the best Travelex exchange rates for you on your foreign currency? With our Travel Rate Tracker we'll send you an alert when your chosen currency has reached your desired rate. Simple!

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Frequently asked questions

  • Why do currency conversion rates change?

    Currencies constantly move up and down against each other because they’re traded on financial markets. Market changes can be caused by supply and demand, as well as by political and economic events.

  • How do I convert my money from NZD?

    You can convert your dollars into over 45 currencies with Travelex, either online or at stores across New Zealand. Whether you’re looking to convert NZD to USD, NZD to GBP, NZD to AUD, or NZD to JPY, our online tool can help you.

    After calculating your currency conversion, you may want to consider buying currency at a suitable rate. Travelex offers currency purchases so you can get your travel money quickly and easily.

    Got another question? Check out the rest of our FAQs.

  • Is there a good time to convert currency?

    You can’t predict when exchange rates will go up or down, but our currency converter above will show you historical rates, to give you an idea of how the current conversion rate compares to the past few months or year.

  • Why do different companies convert currencies at different rates?

    A company providing foreign currency needs to cover all the costs of supplying people with currency. The cost of providing foreign currency online is usually less compared to a physical retail store or overseas banks, so you’ll usually get a better rate online.

    If you leave exchanging money until the last minute before you depart, you’ll probably end up paying a little bit more, due to the costs involved in providing you with this service, so it makes sense to plan ahead with a foreign exchange calculator.

  • How do you convert currencies?

    You can convert one currency into another using an exchange rate. For example, a money exchange rate of two New Zealand dollars to one British pound means that you could convert two New Zealand dollars into one British pound – or one pound into two New Zealand dollars.

    Pretty simple! In reality, you’ll get a slightly different exchange rate depending on whether you’re buying or selling a currency. To get to grips with the different kinds of exchange rate you might hear about international bank account standard terminology on exchange rates, see our Currency Jargon section.

  • How do I use the Travelex money converter?

    The Travelex money converter or currency converter can be used simply by selecting the currency of your choice and entering the amount you wish to see converted. For example, converting New Zealand Dollars (NZD) to Euros (EUR).