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Convert NZD to JPY Exchange Rate

It’s one of the most stable currencies going, so you usually know where you stand with the Japanese yen. Here’s how it matches up to our New Zealand dollar.

The latest on NZD to JPY exchange rates

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To learn more about the history of the Japanese yen and its relationship with the NZ dollar, keep reading below.


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The lowdown on the Japanese yen

Economical Influences and the Japanese Yen

In Japan, they pronounce it “en” in Japan, but we usually say “yen” in English – so you’ll be right either way. The yen, which means circle or round object, has been around since 1871.

The Japanese yen is known as one of the world’s hard currencies – that means it usually holds its value. People usually use cash in Japan, and that’s the only way you can pay in some places. That’s why it’s not unusual for people to carry a lot of cash around, also helped by the fact that Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

When it comes to coins, it’s much easier to tell what’s what than it is with some currencies – the one yen coin is made from aluminium, and it floats; the five and 50 yen coins have a hole in the middle, and the five yen coin is a shiny mix of zinc and copper that’s thought to be good luck. The 500 yen coin is one of the highest value coins around, so don’t confuse that one for small change.

Japanese Yen Historical Market Exchange Rate

The Japanese yen has strengthened quite significantly since 2015, performing particularly well in 2016 and 2018.1

At its weakest, the yen was trading at 1 NZD to approximately 93.70 JPY on 7th December 2014; fast forward to a year later and 1 NZ dollar was buying 74.77581 JPY on 6th September 2015.1

That figure continued to improve as the yen strengthened further and hits its strongest on 26th June 2016 with 1 New Zealand dollar getting you around 71.40 JPY.1

Fluctuating slightly by 14th December 2016, 1 NZD was equal to around 82.96 JPY. The yen then strengthened and by the 17th April 2017 1 New Zealand dollar was equal to approximately 75.97 JPY.1

In 2018, the yen hit its weakest to date on the 23rd January with 1 NZ dollar buying 81.21461; with the strongest rate occurring on 11th October when 1 NZ dollar would’ve bought you only 72.40695 yen in comparison.1

Learn more about the JPY before you travel to Japan and create a currency rate alert so we can notify you when it hits the rate you want.



*Data correct as of 6 November 2018.


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